Professor Michael Storper (UCLA, the London School of Economics, and Sciences Po/Paris) Michael Storper (PhD, Economic Geography, University of California, Berkeley), is an economic geographer who holds concurrent appointments at UCLA, the London School of Economics, and Sciences Po/Paris. Storper is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed academic articles and 13 books, including the widely-cited […]
As part of the 2019 RSA Latin America Division Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network. Please submit your abstract for one of the special […]
Watch the webinar recording featuring an RSA-sponsored Policy Expo book Putting Universities in their Place: An evidence based approach to understanding the contribution of higher education to local and regional development: Speakers: Lucir Reinaldo Alves, Western Parana State University, Brazil; Louise Kempton, Newcastle University, UK; Maria Conceição Rego, Evora University, Portugal Chair: Anne Rimmer, Policy […]
We are excited to welcome three new RSA Ambassadors to Mexico. They join our existing RSA Ambassador to Mexico, Joaquín García Galván.
Como Embajador de la RSA en México me es grato invitar a todos los investigadores de nuestro país en el área de los estudios regionales a participar en nuestra organización. La Asociación de Estudios Regionales desde su inicio ha marcado pauta en los debates más importantes en esta disciplina a nivel internacional. Su liderazgo se […]
Como embajadora en México, es un gusto darles la bienvenida a la Asociación de Estudios Regionales (RSA). La RSA es una asociación internacional que tiene como objetivo promover los más altos estándares de desarrollo teórico, análisis empírico y debate político sobre ciudades y regiones. La RSA tiene una extensa red internacional de embajadores que trabajan […]
We are excited to announce the appointment of the first RSA Ambassador to Chile, Miguel Atienza.
Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Chile, Miguel Atienza As Ambassador of the RSA in Chile I would like to welcome you to the Regional Studies Association (RSA). I intend to promote and develop RSA activities in Chile and Latin America so keep in touch with me if you have any queries about the RSA. My […]
A Newton Fund workshop on ‘Urban Dialogues’ revealed stark similarities in the urban challenges facing the UK and Brazil. That was the conclusion of a workshop on ‘Urban Dialogues’ held in May 2016 in Brazil.
We are happy to announce that a specially organised Students & Early Careers Knowledge Exchange Session will be held along with RSA’s forthcoming Global Conference in Brazil between 27th and 30th April. This Special Session, scheduled on the 28th April, is organised as one of a series of Students & Early Careers Social Events that […]
Mensaje de Bienvenida: Es para mi un honor el poder representar a RSA en México, te doy la más cordial bienvenida a los trabajos que se realizan en México en Materia de Estudios Regionales, así mismo te invito a participar en las actividades de Regional Studies Association a nivel internacional. De México para el Mundo. […]
Caro(a) colega, seja benvindo(a) ao pedacinho brasileiro da Regional Studies Association, uma associação que preza pela multidisciplinaridade e busca valorizar e viabilizar a pesquisa e a interação acadêmica, fundamentais para o crescimento e consolidação da área em países em desenvolvimento como o nosso. A crescente preocupação com a influência local e regional no desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil e América […]