Lee is a chartered town planner and accredited economic development officer who has worked for local, regional and national government in the UK; a particular strength is my ability to connect cutting-edge theoretical research debates with the practical imperatives of policymaking. His sphere of expertise is urban and regional economic development with a strong focus […]

Andrew Beer is Dean, Research and Innovation at the University of South Australia Business School. He previously worked at the University of Adelaide and the Flinders University of South Australia. His research interests include the operation and functioning of Australia’s housing markets, the drivers of regional growth, economic change in major cities and the impacts of […]

Policy Expo 2018: Place-based Policy Expo: Enhancing Relevance, Sharpening Our Understanding The Regional Studies Association commissioned a Policy Expo to look at place-based policy and its implementation around the globe. The research was led by: Andrew Beer, University of South Australia Markku Sotarauta, Tampere University Sarah Ayres, University of Bristol, UK Jiri Blazek, Charles University, Prague Fiona McKenzie, RMIT University […]

RSA Policy Expo 2018: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Better Policies for Alleviating Risks and Enhancing Opportunities Regional Studies Policy Impact Books, Volume 2, Issue 2 (2020) Organisers: Xiangming Chen, Trinity College, USA Xue Li, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Julie Tian Miao, University of Melbourne, Australia The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched by China in 2013, […]

By Paul Dalziel, Professor of Economics and Deputy Director Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University On 24 September 2017, New Zealand held its three-yearly general election under its mixed member proportional representation system. There were 64 general electorates and 7 Māori electorates, each decided by the candidate with the most votes from voters in […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to New Zealand, Etienne Nel. I am very pleased to accept the position of RSA ambassador for New Zealand. I have had a career long interest in regional issues, regional inequality and the degree to which external interventions and local initiatives can address development challenges and enhance the quality […]

The Australian Government has been trying to roll out a national broadband network throughout the country, the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken by the country. The goal is to lay fibre optic cabling to 93 per cent of Australian homes, schools and businesses, in order to provide broadband speeds of up to 100 megabits per […]