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Territories Categories: The Netherlands

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I am advertising two PhD and one Postdoc positions as part of my ERC-funded project “Climate Citizenship: Infrastructures, Environments, and Democracy in the Era of Climate Change.” One PhD position is for research in the US and the other for research in Japan. The candidates will be based at Leiden University’s Institute of Cultural Anthropology […]

Imogen Liu is Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Prior to joining the VU in 2023, she was a PhD candidate at Maastricht University where her dissertation focused on the transnational integration of Chinese state capital in Europe.   Situated at the intersection of political economy, economic geography and development studies, […]

Kerstin J. Schaefer is an assistant professor in Economic Geography at Utrecht University (UU) and a research project leader at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at Leibniz University Hanover (LUH). Her active engagement in the Economic Geography scholar community includes serving as RSA Early Career representative and supporting the Young Economic Geographers Network […]

Profile - Ron Boschma

Ron Boschma is full professor in Regional Economics at Utrecht University, and Professor 2 at UiS Business School of Stavanger University. Boschma has been full professor in Innovation Studies at Lund University where he was also director of the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE). He is member of the […]

Dr. Marcin Dąbrowski teaches and researches spatial planning and (multi-level) governance issues related to sustainable urban and regional futures. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Urbanism, being part of Delft University of Technology and its Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. With a background in political science and experience in research […]

Prof. dr. L.G. (Ina) Horlings (1962) studied land- and watermanagement and human (environmental) geography. She obtained a PhD in Policy Science, and currently holds a chair in Socio-Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Her research work broadly deals with ‘the human factor’ in spatial planning. […]

Organisers Marijn Molema, Fryske Akademy, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, the Netherlands Arno van der Zwet, University of the West of Scotland, UK Martin Åberg, Centre for Regional Studies, University of Karlstad Sara Svensson, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University The past plays a crucial role in understanding, developing and implementing regional economic development […]

Profile - Ron Boschma

Ron Boschma is full professor in Regional Economics at Utrecht University, and Professor 2 at UiS Business School of Stavanger University. Boschma has been full professor in Innovation Studies at Lund University where he was also director of the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE). He is member of the […]

Pierre-Alexander Balland is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Geography & Planning at Utrecht University, where he serve’s as the deputy-head of the research programme in Economic Geography. Pierre-Alexandre is fascinated by how geography shapes and structures human societies.His research focuses on the geography of knowledge, the geography of networks and sustainable cities. […]

Profile - Paul Edhorst

Paul Elhorst is Professor of Spatial Econometrics at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and author of the book “Spatial econometrics: from cross-sectional data to spatial panels” that appeared in 2014. Since September 2015 he is Editor-in-Chief of the RSA journal Spatial Economic Analysis. His research interests are spatial econometrics, both theoretical and empirical, software, […]

Arnoud Lagendijk interrogates regional development and the processes of regionalization in Europe, with emphasis on innovation and economic cluster policies. He also examines the distribution of alternative socio-economic practices (including Slow Food) and policy concepts (area development, public transport) across the world. Both themes are analyzed employing a so-called ‘relational approach’, probing the nexus between […]

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The Delft conference has been and gone, and it was a very successful and enjoyable event! Hundreds of papers were presented, lots of new friends were made and many old friends were able to re-connect. The RSA blog squad are also able to report that the fine hostelries of Deflt continue to serve fine quality […]

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In anticipation of the RSA’s 2012 European Conference in Delft, The Netherlands we thought it might be useful to provide a bit of a primer on Dutch Urban Planning so that those of you travelling to the country have a bit of background on how things work and how they have changed in the past […]

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View RSA Conference Delft 2012 in a larger map Who can you expect to hear at Delft? Well, the plenary speakers have all been announced and are described in this document. It’s a great line up and includes Peter Hall and Danuta Hübner! The city of Delft is itself a beautiful place and you can read […]

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