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News Categories: Announcement

Profile - Paul Benneworth
Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce a change in the name of the RSA PhD Student Award to the Paul Benneworth PhD Students’ Award. This award recognises excellence amongst the Regional Studies PhD student community and it is designed for registered PhD students who have not yet received their PhD certificate. This name change recognises […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Area Development and Policy  (ADP) aims to be a world class journal publishing original academic research examining the economic, political, cultural and geographical contexts which play a fundamental role in shaping and developing regions, cities, rural areas and the relationships between them. ADP concentrates on issues relating to the Greater BRICS and welcomes submissions emerging from […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

This award is a recognition of  individuals or organisations in policy and practice who work at the interstices with academia and other forms of research to develop the field and practice of regional studies and science. The previous winners of this award include Prof. Jagan Shah, National Institute of Urban Studies, India; Alexandra Jones, Centre […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Regional Studies, Regional Science is an interdisciplinary open access journal from the Regional Studies Association, first published in 2014. RSRS allows for a range of article types including full length research articles of up 8,000 words, shorter papers of around 5,000 words and a ‘regional graphics’ section, which capitalises upon the importance of  geographic data […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Spatial Economic Analysis publishes research in spatial and geographic economics covering spatial data analysis and economic phenomena at city, regional and global levels. This journal is published by two of the world’s leading learned societies in the analysis of spatial economics, the Regional Studies Association and the British and Irish Section of the Regional Science […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

We are pleased to announce the winners for the 2020 RSA Student and Early Career Awards. The Regional Studies Association have determined that all the winners have made an original and outstanding contribution to the field of regional studies. Mia Gray, University of Cambridge, UK and the Secretary of the RSA and the Chair of […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are happy to announce the Routledge Best Book Award 2020: The Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development An Alternative Perspective – PETER DE SOUZA, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Joan Fitzgerald, Northeastern University, USA and the Editor-in-Chief of the RSA’s Regions and Cities Book Series awarded the 2020 Award virtually:   The countryside has often […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

This year we saw a change of President to the Association and after five years Professor Ron Martin, University of Cambridge steps down as our President. Ron has worked with Sally Hardy (CEO) for all of the thirty-four years that she has worked for the Association. He has served on the Board in several capacities […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We have seen a change of Chair this year as Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones, University College London stepped down to be replaced by Professor Jessie Poon, University of Buffalo, USA. Jessie has been an RSA Board member for many years with responsibility for our Territorial Networks. As a former Vice-Chair she is well acquainted with what […]

Reading time: 7 minutes

The Regional Studies Association (RSA) seeks to appoint Editors in two different categories for the international journal Regional Studies (RS) published by Routledge: Editors (three positions available) The Editors support the Editor-in-Chief, David Bailey (University of Birmingham, UK), in managing the peer review of submissions in their area of expertise, enhancing the journal’s reputation as […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Regional Studies Association Student Representative Board Member position available from 1st January 2021. One exciting opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic PhD Student to join the Board of the Regional Studies Association. The RSA is an established global Association and a place on the Board will enable successful candidates to engage with colleagues from students and early […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

We are delighted to announce updates from some of our members. Our longstanding member, Igor Calzada (FeRSA, University of Oxford , UK) recently published a new book  ‘Smart City Citizenship’, currently with 30% discount off the publication price. If you are interested, the link to access the publication is and the discount code is ATR30. The […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

November saw the RSA’s first globetrotting event series called RSA Global. The programme brought together the regional studies and science communities from around the world for three hour programmes organised by and for the RSA’s global networks. The online format allowed us to meet and discuss latest research and policy developments in times when we […]

Reading time: 11 minutes

On September 29- October 2, 2020, NOIR hosted a series of virtual workshops on Water Infrastructure and Regional Governance. The workshop series, attended by participants from around the world, was designed to foster a global interdisciplinary conversation examining: (1) how water infrastructure shapes formal and informal regional spaces, communities, and governance dynamics; and (2) how […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce the new Chair of the Publications Committee on the RSA Board is Simona Iammarino. Simona Iammarino is Professor of Economic Geography in the Department of Geography & Environment of the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). She was Head of Department (01/01/2014 – 31/08/2017), and academic member […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce the new Diversity and Inclusion Chair on the RSA Board is Rachel Franklin. Rachel Franklin is Professor of Geographical Analysis in the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) and the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University. I am also one of four chairs appointed […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce the new Conference and Events Coordinator on the RSA Board is John Harrison. John Harrison works at Loughborough University in the UK. He is a regional geographer interested in the planning and governance of cities and regions. John has been an Editor of Regional Studies since 2013, first as […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce the new Chair of the RSA Latin America Division is Alejandra Trejo Nieto. Alejandra Trejo is currently a professor in the Centre for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA) at El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City. She was the academic coordinator of the master program in Urban Studies […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are happy to announce the winners for the Best Paper from each of our journals for issues published in 2019. These awards were selected by the editors of each journal. We would like to congratulate to all our winners and look forward to celebrating their awards at our Virtual Awards Ceremony. We would also […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

We are delighted to be able to announce this year’s RSA journals Best Referee awards for journal issues published in 2019. Our awards acknowledge and celebrate excellence in the research and editorial fields of regional studies, crossing thematic and disciplinary fields. Scientific journals publishing peer-reviewed articles depend heavily on the scientific referees. In addition to […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Ashima Sood is Associate Professor at Anant National University, where she teaches urban policy, research methods and academic writing. She is International Corresponding Editor at Urban Studies and has been associated as editor and editorial advisory group member with the Economic and Political Weekly’s Review of Urban Affairs since its founding. She coordinated the Urban […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

As in previous years, the RSA’s European Foundation (RSA Europe) was a key partner during the #EURegionsWeek, a major annual events programme dedicated to regional policy during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, to implement European Union cohesion policy and to present case studies of local and regional governance. In […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

We are committed to supporting students and early career researchers and below are some of the many initiatives that we offer to develop students and early career researchers’ careers, influence and research. During these troubling times, we remain committed to supporting our members and the wider regional research community through knowledge exchange, webinars, publications and […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Andrew Beer is currently the Executive Dean, UniSA Business, a business school that holds full, five-year accreditation EQUIS and AACSB accreditation.  Andrew completed his PhD at the Australian National University in 1989 and then worked for four years in the Australian Public Service. In 1993 he accepted a lectureship at Flinders University in Adelaide, where […]

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