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News Categories: Announcement

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch as Stephen Hincks, Editor in Chief of Regional Studies, Regional Science presents the award for the Best Paper published in 2023 to Will Eadson (Sheffield Hallam, UK) and Bregje van Veelen (Lund University, Sweden) for their paper entitled Green and just regional path development.

Reading time: 1 minutes

‘Urbanization in the ‘big ring’: theses on cities, fossil energy, and the metabolic churn of capital’ The 2024 Area Development and Policy Annual Lecture, will be held at the AAG on the 19th April, with speaker Neil Brenner (University of Chicago, USA) and discussants Hillary Angelo (UC Santa Cruz, USA) and Kian Goh (UCLA, USA) […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch as Klaus Dodds, Editor in Chief of Territory Politics Governance presents the award for the Best Paper published in 2023 to Omar N. Cham (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) and Ilke Adam (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) for their paper entitled The politicization and framing of migration in West Africa: transition to democracy as a game […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Our Corporate member, the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), is an independent, non-partisan institution for the spatial sciences, offering knowledge-based analysis and advice on current sustainable spatial development issues. The ARL operates a Knowledge and Communication Platform ( that provides access to the Academy’s work internationally and serves as an information, […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch as John Harrison, Editor of Urban and Regional Horizons section of the academic journal, Regional Studies, presents the award for the Best Paper published in Urban and Regional Horizons to Emma Ormerod (University of Newcastle, UK) for her paper entitled: Level with us, regional development is still ‘man shaped’: feminism, futurity and leadership. […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch as Jennifer Clark, Editor in Chief of Regional Studies, presents the award for the Best Paper published in 2023 to Ignazio Cabras, Ekaterina Shakina, Gary Bosworth (all of Northumbria University, UK), Nadine Waehning (University of York, UK) and Franziska Sohns (Anglia Ruskin University, UK) for their paper entitled Brewing at the time of Covid: […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch as Phil Tomlinson, Editor of the Policy Debates section of Regional Studies presents the 2024 Award for the Best Paper published in the Regional Studies Policy Debates section to Helen Tilley (Wales Centre for Public Policy, UK), Jack Newman (University of Bristol, UK), Charlotte Hoole (University of Birmingham, UK), Andrew Connell, (Wales Centre for Public Policy, UK) […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

We would like to introduce our new Corporate member, Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) The ARL offers knowledge-based analysis and advice on current sustainable spatial development issues. Complex social challenges require integrative and thus interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. The specific working method of the ARL, which is transdisciplinary and network-based, allows […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are delighted to be able to share this year’s Best paper and Best Referee winners. In the list below, you can see the winners and links to the publications. Regional Studies Best Paper Brewing at the time of Covid: the impact of the pandemic crisis on UK craft breweries and its implications for the […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are pleased to announce that the RSA Board have agreed funding for the Research Network on Smart Policies for Regional Innovation, Sustainability and Transitions (SPRINT).  This network focuses on the smart specialisation strategy (S3) approach as an evolving method of designing place-based innovation policy. We build on three years of cooperation through the Marie […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

The RSA Student and ECR conference series is a well-established and serves as a vibrant platform for emerging scholars from across the world to present their research, engage in thought-provoking debates, and cultivate valuable connections. During the Conference, student and early career researchers will have the opportunity to meet like-minded peers and forge future new […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are pleased to announce that the RSA Board have agreed funding for the Research Network on Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation (ESPPRIT). This research network responds to climate change and increasing inequalities, bringing together conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and empirical approaches from Regional Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, Economic Geography, Regional Science, […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Job description This is an important role within the Regional Studies Association, working directly with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Board members to ensure that key administrative, operational and governance systems operate smoothly and efficiently. If you are looking to work within the charity sector, for an association with high ethical standards, focused on […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are pleased to announce that the RSA Board agreed renewal funding for the Research Network on Infrastructural Regionalisms. The NOIR Research Network has been active since 2019 and challenges regional studies to attend to infrastructural questions, by critically unpacking how infrastructure shapes regions, lives, and developmental pathways. NOIR’s Phase 2 will extend and deepen […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We enjoyed meeting up with old friends for our outgoing CEO, Sally Hardy’s retirement lunch on Friday. Several ex-Chairs, Committee members and colleagues, including those from the EU institutions and the publishing industry, all joined us in London to celebrate Sally’s nearly 40 years with the Regional Studies Association. Sally said: “It has been my […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Social Infrastructure & ‘Left Behind Places’ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 17:30 – 19:30 GMT The Common Room, Neville Hall Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1SE Insights North East with the Regional Studies Association is delighted to host this evening event to launch the book Social Infrastructure and Left Behind Places, recently published under the Regional Studies […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Elected for their substantial contributions to social science, this spring’s cohort of Fellows includes Professor Nicholas Phelps, Chair of Urban Planning and Associate Dean (International) at the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, and longstanding member of the Regional Studies Association. He is also Visiting Professor at the School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Elected for their substantial contributions to social science, this spring’s cohort of Fellows includes Sarah Ayres, Profess of Public Policy and Governance at the School for Policy Studies (SPS), University of Bristol, and Treasurer on the Regional Studies Association Board. Sarah joined the University of Bristol in 2005. Her work has focussed on understanding how […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Our 2023 Fellowship Research Grant (FeRSA) was awarded to Fumi Kitagawa, City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI), University of Birmingham for the following project: Supporting Regions towards Net-Zero Journeys: Alignment of Strategies and Transformation between Universities and their Places Supported by the FeRSA Grant, this project aims to investigate dynamic relationships between universities and places throughout […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

February saw the international conference on regional development in South America: empowering knowledge flows and collaboration networks organised by the RSA funded Research Network Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development in South America (KIRDSA) with support from the Universidad de la República, the Young Scholar Initiative and the RSA’s Latin America Division. The conference was held […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA’s newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alan Kinder has written an introductory message to all RSA members. In his message, Alan set out three significant ‘points of connection’ between his career to date as a geography educator and professional association leader, and the charitable mission of the RSA: a passion for ‘place’; appreciation […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

2024 Annual Conference Bursary Winners   We were pleased to support a number of researchers with a 2024 Annual Conference Bursary.  This year’s bursary winners are: Laura Sariego-Kluge, Universidade de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Anwar Hossian, The University of Melbourne, Australia Ozge Yenigun, University of Illinois, USA Diana Prelorenzo, Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle, France Adela […]

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