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Territories Categories: Northern Europe

Dave Valler is Reader in Planning, School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes, and Chair of the RSA London and South East Branch. His research interests range across local and regional economic development, urban theory and politics, sub-national governance and policy, and science/hi-tech spaces. He has recently published research specifically on theoretical and practical […]

This webinar, held on the 3 September 2020, was organised in collaboration between the OECD Spatial Productivity Lab at the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development (an integral part of Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities) and the Regional Studies Association. The webinar was the 9th Meeting of the OECD Spatial Productivity Lab and part of […]

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Global Value Chains and Foreign Direct Investment create both opportunities and challenges for cities and regions. The pandemic has deeply affected consolidated internationalisation patterns and the local impacts of these global forces. Regional recovery needs to leverage all possible opportunities offered by the new global order. This calls for a re-consideration of existing policy tools […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Norway Maria Tsouri Kjære RSA-medlemmer, Jeg heter Maria Tsouri, jeg er førsteamanuensis ved Mohn Senter for innovasjon og regional utvikling ved Høgskolen på Vestlandet, og jeg er ambassadør for RSA for Norge. Min personlige akademiske bakgrunn er økonomisk geografi, og mine forskningsinteresser ligger mellom innovasjonsgeografi og overgangen til […]

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Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live but will also available on demand. The webinars will run live once a month and feature researcher and policymaker experts. They include time for […]

Rachel Franklin is Professor of Geographical Analysis in the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) and the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University. I am also one of four chairs appointed to expand our international, cross-disciplinary reputation in Spatial Analytics and Modelling (SAM@Newcastle) and, as of Fall 2018, a Fellow […]

Declan Jordan is a Senior Lecturer in Economics and Co-Director of the Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre. Declan’s research interests include innovation, regional and urban economics, competitiveness, and innovation and enterprise policy. He has published widely in these areas in international peer reviewed journals. Declan is currently a member of the Editorial Board of […]

Vassilis Monastiriotis is an economist and economic geographer by training, specialising in three areas of Labour Economics, Economic Geography and Political Economy. He has significant policy engagement on all three areas, including appointments in Experts Committees (e.g., on Regional Incentives policy and on Minimum Wage policy in Greece) and work with international bodies such as […]

Dr Maria Abreu is a regional economist, working on topics relating to creativity, higher education, migration, and local labour markets. She is a University Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Pembroke College. Prior to coming to Cambridge she worked for the Poverty Team at the World Bank office […]

This document was submitted to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Inquiry on the progress of devolution in England. Neil Lee explains “Devolution is a central concern to the RSA’s international membership base. This submission to the HCLG select committee draws on this expertise and provides advice on progress on devolution in England.” Please […]

We are pleased to announce the second in our plenary webinar series that should have taken place at our face to face events. “Nothing new under the sun” How the past informs today’s policy responses: Crisis and (missed) opportunities Presentations and discussions in this webinar will analyse how history has shaped arguments in regional development […]

The Chair of the RSA Wales Section is Max Munday, Director of the Welsh Economy Research Unit at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. “The Welsh section of the RSA has been active since the early 1990s. The Welsh economy is a valuable lens through which to examine regional policy and economic issues, being a devolved […]

The Chair of the RSA Ireland Section is Justin Doran, Director of the Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre and a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Cork University Business School, University College Cork “The Regional Studies Irish Section (RSAIR) was officially open in 1974 to provide a forum to discuss regional issues in Ireland. […]

I am a Senior Lecturer at the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health, and  a program leader for an MSc in Social Innovation at Glasgow Caledonian University.  I have studied political science and sociology at the University of Florence.  I hold a Master Degree in Applied Social Research from the University of Manchester and […]

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