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Territories Categories: Northern Europe

The Chair of the RSA Wales Section is Max Munday, Director of the Welsh Economy Research Unit at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. “The Welsh section of the RSA has been active since the early 1990s. The Welsh economy is a valuable lens through which to examine regional policy and economic issues, being a devolved […]

The Chair of the RSA Ireland Section is Justin Doran, Director of the Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre and a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Cork University Business School, University College Cork “The Regional Studies Irish Section (RSAIR) was officially open in 1974 to provide a forum to discuss regional issues in Ireland. […]

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NORSA was formally established at a meeting in Umeå, Sweden, in September 2008. NORSA is a non-political, voluntary, self-governing organisation with non-profit objectives and shares the aims and objects of the Regional Studies Association, which are: (a) to promote education in the field of regional studies (those studies which relate to the economic, physical and […]

David Hearne is an early career researcher at Birmingham City University’s Centre for Brexit Studies. Prior to joining the university in 2017, David worked as an economist in a regional think tank. David’s primary research interests lie in regional economics and the sectoral and regional impact of Brexit. Ongoing research includes measurement issues within the […]

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