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Territories Categories: Europe

Prof. dr. L.G. (Ina) Horlings (1962) studied land- and watermanagement and human (environmental) geography. She obtained a PhD in Policy Science, and currently holds a chair in Socio-Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Her research work broadly deals with ‘the human factor’ in spatial planning. […]

Elisa Giuliani (PhD SPRU, Sussex University) is Professor at the Department of Economics & Management of the University of Pisa where she directs the Responsible Management Research Center (REMARC). She is Editor for Research Policy, and part of the Editorial Boards of Economic Geography, the Journal of Economic Geography and the Business and Human Rights […]

Lewis Dijkstra is the deputy head of the Policy Development and Economic Analysis Unit of the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy in the European Commission. He is the editor the Cohesion Reports, which analyse economic, social and environmental issues in EU regions and cities. His latest work and publications cover topics such as regional […]

Dr Stuart Dawley is a Senior Lecturer in Economic Geography in the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) at Newcastle University. His current research focuses upon the evolution of local and regional economies, particularly understanding the dynamics of path creation and development as part of the energy transition.  More broadly, his research previously […]

Lars Coenen is an economic geographer and scholar in innovation studies. His research interests converge around the geography of innovation: Why is it that some regions and cities in the world stand out in their ability to foster and diffuse novelty? What explains this spatial concentration of innovation in an era of globalization? How can […]

Michael Taster is a current PhD research student in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield. His current research project is sponsored by the RSA and is entitled, “The Creation and Reproduction of Policy Relevant Spatial Knowledge and New Publishing Models, A Case Study of Regional Studies.” The project seeks […]

Tanya is a PhD candidate at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich. She is part of the Urban-Rural Systems team at Future Cities Laboratory, focused on capturing the different territorial transformation taking place across Monsoon Asia. Her doctoral work focuses on translating the territorial transformation unfolding in India’s Bengal region into policy evaluation tools by […]

Alex de Ruyter is a professor at Birmingham City University and serves as Director of its Centre for Brexit Studies. He brings a wealth of research experience and academic engagement in the area of regional economic development and labour market issues. He has published over 60 academic outputs in leading national and international journals, including the International Journal […]

Helen Lawton-Smith is Professor of Entrepreneurship, Department of Management, and is Director of the Birkbeck Centre for Innovation Management Research, Birkbeck, University of London. She is an economic geographer and research career has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, innovation, public policy and regional development in national and international contexts. She is the Founder and Research […]

Paul is a UK and international advisor on cities, regions and local economies. He has contributed to policy nationally and to local economic development, governance and place-shaping. His distinctive expertise is working across policy practice and academia. Paul is Chair of the Policy Committee of the Regional Studies Association and is a non-executive Director of […]

Stephen is a Reader in Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield.  His research lies within the broad scope of urban and regional studies with a specific focus on applied spatial analysis, uneven spatial development and urban-regional policy and governance. He has recently published articles on recession and uneven spatial development, neighbourhood change, […]

Dr. Dieter F. Kogler is the Academic Director of the UCD Spatial Dynamics Lab and an Associate Prof. in Economic Geography at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy at University College Dublin. His research focus is on the geography of innovation and evolutionary economic geography, with particular emphasis on knowledge production and diffusion, […]

Dr Stefania Fiorentino is an Associate Professor at the University of Cambridge (Department of Land Economy), a Fellow of Downing College (Cambridge), and an Honorary Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (UCL). Her research interest and expertise combine urban planning and economic geography for more inclusive and resilient local economic development […]

Professor Martin Jones is Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Staffordshire University. He previously held the position of Director of the White Rose Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (WRDTC) and Professor of Urban and Regional Political Economy at the University of Sheffield and was Pro-Vice Chancellor at Aberystwyth University. Martin is the originator and co-editor of the journal Territory, Politics, […]

Professor John Bachtler is Professor of European Policy Studies and a Director of the European Policies Research Centre. His research experience is principally in regional and industrial development in Europe, encompassing the economic development policies of the EU Member States and several other European countries, the structural and cohesion policies of the European Union, EU integration […]

Judy completed a BA (Hons) in Finance and Accounting at the University of East London. She then worked as a trainee accountant at an international freight forwarders, and then completed her examinations, qualifying as an ACCA accountant in 1996. She then worked for 14 years in various roles for The Emcor group, (which was a […]

Nicola studied at Leeds Metropolitan University, before heading to London to work for an Event and Video production company, specialising in organising conferences, road shows, exhibition and press conferences for various Government departments. More recently she has successfully run her own catering business before joining the Regional Studies Association in August 2022. Her work at […]

The Chair of the RSA South West Branch, Ian Smith, is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). “I work on a wide range of issues relating to regional economics and to the production of public policy at different territorial levels.  In this I hold to the […]

Ignazio Cabras is Professor of Regional Economic Development and Head of the Accounting and Financial Management Department at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. His research interests are focused on economics and environment, with particular emphasis on regional growth and networks, public sector management, employment issues, urban-rural dynamics, sustainability, community cohesion and social capital, the beer […]

The Chair of the RSA Wales Section is Max Munday, Director of the Welsh Economy Research Unit at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. “The Welsh section of the RSA has been active since the early 1990s. The Welsh economy is a valuable lens through which to examine regional policy and economic issues, being a devolved […]

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