Yannis Psycharis currently works at the Department of Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, where he researches Economic Geography. His most recent publication is ‘Exploring the Links Between Education and Income Inequality at the Municipal Level in Greece’. Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece
Welcome message from RSA Ambassador to Finland, Markku Sotarauta Markku Sotarauta is Professor of Regional Development Studies in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland. In 2011-2013, he served as the founding Dean of the School of Management and in 2009-2010 as the last Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration. […]
Lionel Guillemot is an associate professor in Planning and Geography in the University of Angers, and a member of ESO-Angers research laboratory (UMR CNRS 6590). His research and publications focus on mobilities (mainly in urban and suburban areas), urban and suburban planning, urban temporality, employment (work, unemployment, exclusion), economic activities (with specific focus on retail) […]
RSA on ilmselt dünaamilisimalt arenev regionaaluurijate organisatsioon maailmas, mis on oma liikmetele läbi Regional Studies jt. publikatsioonide, veebi ja arvukate konverentside-seminaride oluliseks erialaseks kohtumiskohaks. Eriti tõhusad on valdkondlikud väiksemad töögrupid, mis korraldavad RSA toetusel seminare, toimetavad kogumikke ja ajakirjade erinumbreid. RSA töös osalemine on kindlasti kasulik ka regionaalvaldkonna praktikutele, kes leiavad sealt enda probleemide lahendamiseks […]
Vážené kolegyně a kolegové, z pozice národního ambasadora Regional Studies Association v České republice jsem připraven vám poskytnout nejen informace o této mezinárodní asociaci, ale také i určitou pomoc při sdílení poznatků a zkušeností v oboru regionálních věd. Pokud se zabýváte problematikou regionálních studií a máte zájem o spolupráci na národní či mezinárodní úrovni, neváhejte mě kontaktovat. Zdraví, […]
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (EIZ), Department for Regional Economics, Sustainable Development and Governance, Croatia Poštovani član RSA! Iznimno nam je drago što ste se odlučili pridružit međunarodnom udruženju regionalnih istraživanja „Regional Studies Association – RSA“ koje okuplja zainteresirane članove znanstvene i stručne zajednice različitih disciplina iz cijeloga svijeta. Udruženje potiče suradnju članstva na najvišoj […]
On the 11th of September this year, we reported that RSA Chief Executive Sally Hardy was planning to cycle from London to Slovenia. We were informed that, contrary to popular belief, this was not simply a new RSA membership drive but instead a much more ambitious charity fund-raising adventure that would pass through 7 countries […]
Commencing operation in 2021, a new tunnel will provide the final piece in the jigsaw linking the city of Hamburg in Germany to Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden which together form the STRING region. This fixed link will complement the existing bridge crossing the Öresund strait between Denmark and Sweden which opened to […]
An interesting article in the Autumn 2012 edition of ‘panorama’ captured our attention here at the RSA blog. Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission from 1985-1995, reflects upon cohesion policy during this time – and more recently – and makes some interesting comments in relation to the current financial predicament much of Europe finds itself in. […]
The Regional Studies Association would like to wish the best of luck to Sally Hardy, our intrepid Chief Executive, who is taking on the mammoth task of cycling over 1250 miles from London over two alpine passes and travelling via 7 countries to Ljubljana in Slovenia. Sally will be joined by fellow cyclists Rob Blackman […]
Best Referees Regional Studies 2012 Voted for by the editors of Regional Studies. Eckhardt Bode, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany Joaquin Azagra Caro, Institute of Management of Innovation & Knowledge, Spain Krisztina Varro, Radboud University, The Netherlands Best Referee Spatial Economic Analysis Voted for by the editors of Spatial Economic Analysis Elisa Tosetti, […]
Hot off the press from the European Commisssion’s Regional Policy unit is a working paper by Nicholas Charron, Lewis Dijkstra and Victor Lapuente Gine on the quality of regional governance in the EU. This is part of the ‘Regional Focus & Working Papers’ series and it contains some fascinating insights into the quality of regional […]
With the 2012 London Olympics close at hand we thought it might be a good time to take a look at what is being done to try and manage the traffic associated with the arrival of 15,000 athletes, 7,000 technical officials, throngs of media and millions of visitors. London is already fairly well known […]
If you happen to be watching television on Sunday 3 June 2012 you might see coverage of the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant, an event in London to celebrate 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II in the United Kingdom. “What on earth does this have to do with Regional Studies?”, you might ask. […]
The Delft conference has been and gone, and it was a very successful and enjoyable event! Hundreds of papers were presented, lots of new friends were made and many old friends were able to re-connect. The RSA blog squad are also able to report that the fine hostelries of Deflt continue to serve fine quality […]
In anticipation of the RSA’s 2012 European Conference in Delft, The Netherlands we thought it might be useful to provide a bit of a primer on Dutch Urban Planning so that those of you travelling to the country have a bit of background on how things work and how they have changed in the past […]
The previous post was about spatial planning in England, and today we’re looking across la Manche to France, and French regional innovation strategies in particular. In 2007, every one of France’s 26 regions were invited to adopt a regional innovation strategy. As the Inforegio news pages recently noted, these strategies could be used as a […]
View RSA Conference Delft 2012 in a larger map Who can you expect to hear at Delft? Well, the plenary speakers have all been announced and are described in this document. It’s a great line up and includes Peter Hall and Danuta Hübner! The city of Delft is itself a beautiful place and you can read […]
There are wide social and economic gaps between the EU’s 271 regions (NUTS 2). A previous RSA blog post confirms this! Cohesion policy attempts to reduce the gaps between these regions. It’s linked explicitly to the Europe 2020 strategy of achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
Introduced to celebrate excellence, our winners for the 2011 RSA Awards are: Routledge RSA Award for Early Career Excellence 2011 This year, the jury decided to award the prize to two candidates due to the very high quality of their papers: Paolo Veneri, Department of Economics at Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy Paper Title: Urban Polycentricity and […]
It’s been a while since the last ‘Focus on’ blog post, so it’s now time for another one. Today’s post is on EPRC – that is, the European Policies Research Centre. The EPRC is based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (Scotland) and they are, as the name suggests, a research centre focusing on […]
Introduced to celebrate excellence, our winners for the 2010 RSA Awards are: Sir Peter Hall Award 2010 (Formerly known as the Contribution to the Field Award) Name: Professor John Bachtler Institution: University of Strathclyde, Scotland. Early Career Award 2010 Name: Rikard Hans Eriksson Institution: Department of Social and Economic Geography, Umeå University, Sweden Paper Title: Localized Spillovers and Knowledge Flows: […]