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Territories Categories: Europe

Mark Scott is Professor of Planning at University College Dublin. Mark’s research is focused on theories and practices of spatial planning and governance, specifically related to rural planning, local regeneration and the environmental dimensions of spatial planning. He has published extensively in these areas and has been awarded over €4 million in national and European […]

Established in 1980 in Milan, CSIL is an independent research and consulting company specialising in applied economic research with specific expertise in regional, industrial, research and innovation policies. CSIL’s experts are driven by the search for hard facts that tell relevant stories and by a genuine passion for understanding growth and innovation processes. Over the […]

Covid-19 outbreak has affected mostly people in the second half of their lives, at risk of isolation and loneliness; indeed, the impact of the pandemic was even more severe for the well-being of the elderly. Such a recent event has to be framed within the challenge of the demographic increase of people aged 65 years […]

After 70 years of reign, the death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September 2022 has generated considerable public interest and has reignited debates on the value of the monarchy. This article reflects on the impact of the royal family on UK tourism, nationally and regionally and the potential socio-economic legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. […]

There is a clear consensus amongst both academic commentators and the professional community in England that current arrangements for strategic planning are inadequate. The abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) between 2010-2013 opened a gap between national and local levels which has not been adequately filled. Instead, a complex patchwork of institutional and policy forms […]

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Institute of Regional Studies (of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) launches a new online REGINAR SERIES event. Our newly launched Reginar, a series of webinars in English: The first Regionar was held  on 30 September 2022 on Borders, Regional Cooperation and Geopolitics in Times of Conflict: Hungarian Perspectives. This is available on […]

Article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union recognizes “a particular attention” to mountainous areas and encourages dedicated measures for these territories via the European Cohesion Policy. This article reflects on the impacts of the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy on mountain areas, and it introduces its opportunities over the 2021-2027 programming period. […]

We welcome Simon Clarke MP to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities and we offer any help to him as he begins to understand the depth and breadth of his portfolio. Our Policy Impact book Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The Scale and Nature of the Economic and Policy Challenge, co-authored by Professor […]

The RSA is pleased to announce that its Research Network Grant Scheme is open once more. The scheme was placed on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic and has now been reinstated with a deadline of 29 November 2022. The maximum funding for a Research Network is: £10,000 (c. $13,300; c. €11,800) for newly established networks; £7,500 (c. $10,000; […]

Negotiating Economic Growth and Geopolitical Risks: Regional Impacts and Implications of Chinese investments in the UK, 2000-2020 This project addresses a major and surprisingly under-addressed gap in regional studies, namely the role of geopolitics in regional economic resilience. Through examining whether subnational regions (firms, local authorities and workers) in the UK are willing to trade […]

Designing Regional Innovation Policies from Innovation Scoreboards This MeRSA project aims to transform the European Innovation Scoreboard into a useful instrument for the definition, measurement and directionality of innovation policies. The project goes beyond the state-of-the-art by developing a technology (i.e. computational software) that measures innovation from multiple perspectives (i.e. glasses): size, efficiency, cross efficiency, […]

The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, IfL) is the only non-university research institute for geography in Germany. Together with 96 other independent research institutions, the IfL is a member of the Leibniz Association. Under the heading “Geographies of the Regional” we analyse regional restructuring processes, their economic and social impacts, and regional […]

The European Association of Regional Development Agencies (EURADA) builds up a community through assembling a network of members from Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) across 23 different countries. The main focus of EURADA is centring on the continuous development and improvement of the economy of their regions. EURADA, being based in Brussels, has an important role […]

The rapid development and severity of the COVID-19 crisis has been a test for governments across the world. As the success or failure of these policies depended on quick and decisive action, the pandemic has also been an occasion to assess the propensity of said governments to enact restrictive policies. In the context of increasing […]

The impacts of COVID-19 have been experienced unevenly: health impacts of the disease are well known to differ with greater risks associated with co-morbidities, including increased age and other vulnerabilities. The economic impacts are similarly diverse, with shocking intensity varying by groups: those from low-income backgrounds have been more likely to experience financial hardship, as […]

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