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News Categories: RSA Blog

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Reading time: 4 minutes

The new Regional Studies Association open access journal, Regional Studies, Regional Science, has a section specifically devoted to Early Career Papers which focuses on publishing short articles from students and early career researchers to make their research accessible to a wider audience. Articles in the Early Career Papers Section will have a regional focus and […]

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Reading time: 6 minutes

This is a guest post by Dr Sarah Ayres, Chair of the Political Studies Research Commission, Regional Studies Association Board Member and Reader in Public Policy and Governance at the University of Bristol. The post presents in shord the findings and recommendations of the project Examining the role of ‘informal governance’ on devolution to England’s cities. Follow the link for […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

The year 2015 represented an important year the Regional Studies Association. This year we celebrated the 50th year of activity, and as the year comes to a close it is important that we look back and acknowledge the achievements of the RSA since its inception in 1965, and assess where the Association stands in our […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a guest post by RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in strategic spatial planning & place branding at the Department of Spatial Planning, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. To find out more about Eduardo: Academic Publications – LinkedIn – Presentations – Blog – RSA Student Representative I have been recently challenged by the editorial team of the Regional Studies, […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

This is a guest post by Julie Tian Miao, the RSA’s Early Career Representative. Julie Miao is a Lecturer in Urban Planning and Development at Glasgow University, and Glasgow-Nankai Postgraduate School in China.  The paper I am summarising today reports the first stage findings from my Regional Studies Association (RSA) Early Career Grant [November 2013 round], […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

This is a guest post by RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in strategic spatial planning & place branding at the Department of Spatial Planning, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. I am quite sure that the readers of this blog and my fellow colleagues are aware of the myriad of publications […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

As part of the Regional Studies Association‘s 50th anniversary new funding schemes and increased funding for Research Networks have been agreed. By offering these, the Association is seeking to raise the profile of regional research and its contribution if appropriate, to policy and practice. Research awards will be judged on the basis of the excellence […]

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Reading time: 11 minutes

WORKSHOP FOCUS In just 24 years (1989-2013), the EU Cohesion Policy has shifted its main strategic intervention goals several times. In short, while in earlier times a stronger focus was put on (i) improving human capital; (ii) supporting companies; and (iii) building and modernizing physical infrastructures, the present development paradigm, expressed in the Europe 2020 […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

The Regional Studies Association seeks to appoint a co-editor with expertise in urban and political geographies of the global south to join the editorial team of John Agnew, Michael Keating, Martin Jones, Walter Nicholls, Bae-Gyoon Park and Justus Uitermark on the journal Territory, Politics, Governance, published by Routledge. Territory, Politics, Governance is an interdisciplinary journal committed to the development of theory and research […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Between 25 and 27 November, 2015 the RSA Conference in China will take place in Hangzhou, China. The conference is built around “Harmonious Development, Common Prosperity and the Transformation of Cities and Regions”. As part of the conference you are invited to submit papers covering a variety of issues including: International co-operation, infrastructure investment, finance and […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

We are pleased to announce that as part of the Regional Studies Association’s 50th anniversary new funding schemes and increased funding for Research Networks have been agreed. By offering these, the Association is seeking to raise the profile of regional research and its contribution if appropriate, to policy and practice. Research awards will be judged […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

This is a guest post by Dr. Ulrich Graute. He is an International Cooperation and Development Expert (UN, EU, national) and Senior Adviser, as well as a board member of the Regional Studies Association. Ulrich talks about the engagement of the RSA in the global dialogue regarding sustainable development and how the organization became well […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a guest post by Dr. Sabrina Lai, RSRS EC Editor and Paper Manager. Sabrina is a Research Fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari (Italy), and an officer at the Department of the Environment of the Regional Administration of Sardinia. As an Editor of […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

In this guest post Paul Braidford talks about the difficulties of publishing easily understandable econometric research in Regional Studies, Regional Science journal and the difficulties encountered by authors, especially early career authors, in reducing the size and complexity of their work so that it can be published in a 3000 word or less article.  Looking back over […]

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Reading time: 6 minutes

This is a guest post by David Bailey, following the 2014 RSA Winter Conference. Professor David Bailey works at the Aston Business School. He has written extensively on economic restructuring and industrial and regional policy, especially in relation to manufacturing and the auto industry. He has been a regular commentator, columnist and blogger for a […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a guest post by RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in strategic spatial planning & place branding at the Department of Spatial Planning, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.  Almost twenty days after the RSA early career conference I found myself in a moment of reflection and mental-planning towards 2015, […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

This is a guest post by Dr. Marijana Sumpor. She is the RSRS ECP Abstract Manager & Editor and RSA Ambassador for Croatia. Marijana is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Department for Regional Economics, Sustainable Development and Governance. There are certain parts of the world, where the “regional“ aspect has […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a joint guest post by the RSA Early Career Representative, Julie Tian Miao & the RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. The Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS) of the University of Sheffield hosted the 2014 edition of the Regional Studies Association Early Career conference. The conference was sponsored by the new open […]

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Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a guest post by Paul Benneworth. He is a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, and Lead Editor of the Early Career Papers Section of Regional Studies, Regional Science journal. I’ve just returned from a short working visit to the […]

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