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News Categories: RSA Blog

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The final ESPON report on DEMIFER (Demographic and migratory flowsaffecting European regions and cities – every EU project needs a good acronym!) was released in September. The project had quite an extensive remit as it sought to “assess the effects of demographic trends and migration flows on European regions and cities and to examine the […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

). If you’re looking for a nice pub, the Bridge Hotel, The Bodega, or the Hotspur, which is located near the University, are good options, offering a wide range of beers and the ambiance of a typical English Pub. You can also head to the Ouseburn area, and attend nice concerts and other events at […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

When preparing for academic jobs one thing everyone should remember is that more is more! While for most job positions the objective is to have a short CV and a short, snappy cover letter, in academia that is usually not the case. It is important that you populate these documents well, to demonstrate that you […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

Career opportunities are scarce in the current economic climate, and the situation is likely to get worse in the coming ‘age of austerity’. So any help one can get in the moment of finding a job is welcome. Here we will focus on academic jobs, although there are other opportunities that graduates can consider, such […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

It’s been a while since the last ‘Focus on’ blog post, so it’s now time for another one. Today’s post is on EPRC – that is, the European Policies Research Centre. The EPRC is based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (Scotland) and they are, as the name suggests, a research centre focusing on […]

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