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News Categories: RSA Blog

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Europe 2020 2014-2020 European Structural & Investment Funds Changes of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 3 (new) types of regions Focus through thematic objectives strengthening research, technological development and innovation; enhancing access to, and use and quality of, ICT; enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, of the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and of the fishery and […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

This is a blog post by Paul Benneworth, covering the latest article in Regional Studies, Regional Science and the opportunities given by this new Open Access Journal.   New title in Regional Studies, Regional Science by Bazak Ozkul The regional studies paper I have been most interested in this week is Bazak Ozkul’s recently published […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Here at the RSA we are very happy to announce that the RSA 2014 European Conference schedule has been enriched by a new and innovative event: the Launch of our Students & Early Careers Social Events. This event will take place in conjunction with the RSA’s 2014 European Conference in Izmir, Turkey, 15-18 June 2014. RSA Students & […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

Regional Studies 48 (1) – New Times, Shifting Places – marks the handover of Regional Studies to a new editorial team. Regional Studies performs a unique role in the integrated analysis of cities and regions, reflected in its growing popularity and status as the flagship journal for people studying regions.  The circumstances for regional research […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Professor Andrew Beer just published a short article on, focusing on the real impacts resulted from the decisions of large industry actors and the lack of preparedness of governments to deal with such impacts. The specific case to which Andrew is referring to is the decision of General Motors to stop manufacturing in Australia […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Photo: Marcin Dąbrowski One of our members, Marcin Dąbrowski is about to publish two short articles reporting the findings from his research financed with the RSA Early Career Grant, which examined – for the first time – the use of Financial Engineering Instruments (FEI), the innovative tools for supporting urban development as part of EU cohesion […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government launched his reform proposals to generally underwhelming degrees of debate on the 12th October 2012 and a year later the Oireachtas is considering these reforms with the Local Government Bill 2013. Outside the Department and the Oireachtas, the debate receives very little attention and input from […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

  You might have noticed that the RSA blog has been rather quiet lately. While we might be quiet, we are actively and continuously putting forward new and interesting projects. As part of this process, the reins of the RSA blog, social media activities and online promotion have been handed over to me, Alexandru F. […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

The current edition of Environment and Planning: A features Prof. Andreas Faludi’s plenary paper, presented at the RSA European Conference at Delft University of Technology in May 2012. His paper: Territorial cohesion, territorialism, territoriality, and soft planning: a critical review provides a comprehensive review of recent theoretical and empirical work on the relationships between territoriality and spatial […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Former RSA Chair Professor David Bailey his view on Lord Heseltine’s plan for a decentralised English regional funding pot to the tune of £70bn There’s been a huge ‘Yes Minister style’ scrap going on in Whitehall over the Heseltine Plan for decentralisation, whereby Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) could bid for funding from a ‘single pot’. […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The newest edition of Regional Insights, a magazine published by the Regional Studies Association which seeks to make research findings from early career researchers more accessible to a wider audience, is now out. This issue has a range of articles available for those interested in regional issues, including: Gordon Dabinett on ‘A changing academic publishing […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Regional Insights focuses on publishing short articles from students and early career researchers (up to five years from Ph.D. date) to make their research accessible to all members of the Regional Studies Association. Regional Insights’ articles are characterised by having a ‘regional’ focus and by succinctly conveying a ‘fresh idea’ to the readership. The editors […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Another guest post today in the David Bailey mini-series! This post is about the abolition of Regional Development Agencies in England – and their replacement with ‘Local Enterprise Partnerships’…   After Regional Development Agencies were scrapped by the Coalition government in 2010, smaller scale Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) were set up – effectively as partnerships […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Together with Pascal Boijmans (European Commission) and John Bachtler (European Policies Research Centre, UK) Prof. Michael Parkinson will kick off the first plenary session of the RSA European Conference in Tampere, Finland with a simple but critical question which demonstrates the role of regional studies in informing policy debates. His question (and the title of […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

No matter what your opinion is of The Economist, their use of graphics and maps helps shed light on complex policy issues – and often those with a regional dimension. For example, in 2010 they published a fascinating map on the ‘true size’ of Africa (below), following the earlier example by Kai Krause. This is […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

A system of  financial transfer payments is employed in the Federal Republic of Germany as a means of compensating for substantial differences in the financial power of the federal states (Länder). For the year 2012, only three federal states, all located in southern Germany were net contributors while the remaining thirteen states were net recipients […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Are you a PhD student or Early Career Researcher with an interest in regional studies? If so, the editors of Regional Insights (Paul Benneworth; Paul Braidford; Beatrix Haselsberger; Gert-Jan Hospers; Sabrina Lai & Julie Porter) would like to hear from you and help you develop your next research publication. See below details of the new […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

The deadline for abstract submission for the Regional Studies Association European Conference is fast approaching (Sunday 27th January). This year the conference is hosted by the University of Tampere in Finland and will take place from 5th – 8th May. The conference theme is ‘Shape and Be Shaped: the future dynamics of regional development’.   […]

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