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News Categories: RSA Blog

Reading time: 5 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.    Our relationship with food is complex. Food consumption may be one of the few experiences that involves all of our senses at the same time. Add to that […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Regions are more than the terrestrial or the aquatic for Indigenous and First Peoples; Indigenous regions comprise the more-than-human spaces of night skies and ancestral beings and the cultural practices that imbue them with knowledge and wisdom. Regions encompass so much more than just Western thoughts and processes, yet Indigenous regions are not visible in […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

From tech clusters to the creative class, innovation is often associated with urban agglomeration. Rural innovation receives less attention. Sometimes, stereotypes and nostalgia locate rural places in the past and forget that rural people need futures. Sometimes, policies situate cities as ‘engines’ of growth and simply assume rural places will be pulled along … eventually. […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

CYBER Night is a regional dissemination event based on the model of the Breton ‘BreizhCTF’ (1-day practical workshops followed by a 1-night hacking competition) with the aim of getting better access to the cyber community. Each regional partner in Interreg CYBER Europe is in charge of organising a Cyber Night at the regional level during […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

The Government of Canada claims that existing Canadian mining practices are global models for responsible and sustainable mining. But is this the reality in local mining communities in underdeveloped nations?   Canadian Mining Companies and Corporate Negligence Canada is commonly known for its diplomacy. Yet not many know that Canada is the world’s global mining […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Cohesion Policy constitutes a rich area for political and academic debates. In December 2020, the new Cohesion Policy legislative package (2021-2027) was ratified between the European Parliament and the Council on Cohesion Policy. This new Cohesion Policy is considered more simplified and flexible compared to the 2014-2020 programming period. However, the implications of those novelties […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador is located on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland in Canada. Embedded in a rural region with diverse communities, individuals, organizations and industries, Grenfell Campus’ recently released strategic plan “Committing to Communities” responds to the special obligation that Memorial University has to the people of […]

Reading time: 7 minutes

The RSA is going naked and plastic free with its journals. What does this mean? Well in short, it means we are removing all plastic lamination from the covers of our journals and will begin sending our journals to members still receiving the printed copy without a plastic covering. The Regional Studies Association’s values are […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

Part 2  In the first part of this blog, we outlined the Regional Studies Association’s immediate post-pandemic conference response for 2020 and 2021. In this one, we unveil the strategy for 2022 and beyond.   Pandemic shock and early responses 2020/2021 At the time of writing, April 2021, there remain scientifically evidenced concerns about COVID […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

The COVID-19 pandemic – and associated public health measures – continue to have unprecedented impacts on all communities and regions (rural and urban) across Canada. Community leaders, researchers, and agents of change have mobilized around resiliency, creativity, and compassion to address the local implications of this global health crisis. The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, was very clear in her statement to the European Parliament on February 8th, 2021: “It is essential that the Next Generation EU funds are disbursed quickly and used to support structural reforms and growth-enhancing investment projects”. Europe needs very timely answers to cope with an economic crisis […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

First, I’d like to introduce myself…        …hi, I’m Brady – the new Blog Editor for the Regional Studies Association.   Get to know me I began to write about growing up in western Newfoundland, but figured it was easier to just share an image. My hometown, Corner Brook (below), is the regional […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This article first appeared on ROBUST’s website and has been re-blogged with permission from the authors. Modern lives are increasingly multilocal – but rural-urban policies are often yet to catch up. ROBUST’s Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Ulla Ovaska and Theresia Oedl-Wieser reflect on what we know about multilocality, and what we should rethink as rural regions look ahead to futures beyond recovery. […]

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Reading time: 7 minutes

We asked a few of our members to write a few words about their experiences of lockdown in their regions. Here are some of their stories…   Cristina Lincaru, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection, Bucharest, Romania  My lockdown experience in Ciolpani, close to Bucharest /Romania My dear friends from the RSA […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Anyone with teaching responsibilities will know how difficult it has been to carve out time and space for research during the past year. For early career researchers that has been even more difficult to achieve. However working collaboratively can be one way to keep your research alive, create new connections and the power of networks […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Rapid population growth and expansion beyond municipality limits has drawn attention to governance and development issues faced by the Bogotá Metropolitan Region (MR), Colombia, South America. These issues are made clearer by the obvious lack of a metropolitan authority, which would ideally coordinate and integrate municipal, provincial, and private actors for effective future planning purposes. […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Equality, Diversity and Inclusiveness (EDI) in business has become mainstream. Evidence for this is the commitment of Innovate UK (the government’s innovation agency), UKRI (the government’s research agency) and in parliament, the establishment of All Party Parliamentary Groups, for Disability Rights and for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Business owners. However, entrepreneurship and innovation policy […]

Reading time: 7 minutes

Earlier this year, I carried out fieldwork with the support of the RSA in Malaysian Borneo and on Alaska’s North Slope as part of my project investigating the impacts of land tenure on Indigenous land use decisions. In Malaysia, the rights of Indigenous Peoples are largely customary, meaning they are not formally codified into law. […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

The year 2021 is starting, and with it the new seven-year Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union. In 2018, the European Commission proposed their legislative package for a new Cohesion Policy. This package included a proposal that received much attention, both politically and scholarly: The proposal for an ECBM regulation, a legal tool that […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

David Bailey works at the Birmingham Business School and is a Senior Fellow at the ESRC’s UK in a Changing Europe programme. There was no ‘Meal Deal’ this week for the UK and EU after Boris Johnson dined with Ursula Von Der Layen in Brussels, with the latter saying “we gained a clear understanding of each other’s […]

Reading time: 17 minutes

The following is an outgoing address from President of RSA, Ron Martin. Professor Ron Martin, is Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Cambridge. His main research interests include the geographies of labour markets; regional development and competitiveness; the geographies of money and finance; geographical economics; and evolutionary economic geography. He has published some […]

Reading time: 9 minutes

This blog was written by Professor Anne Green and Rebecca Riley, City-REDI  / WM REDI, University of Birmingham. To access the original article, click here. The current situation in cities The pandemic has changed the nature of work significantly which may have long term impacts. Not least is the fact that at a time when significant business decisions are being […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Shpend Kursani (top left) is a Docent / Lecturer in the Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University  Eiki Berg (bottom left) is a Professor of International Relations in the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu It has been over a month since the conflict between Azerbaijan […]

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