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News Categories: Article

Reading time: 1 minutes

We are delighted to welcome Benedict Arko as our new Territorial Ambassador to Ghana. He is a Lecturer at the Department of Geography Education at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana, with research interests converging at the intersections of development and economic geography. You can read more about Benedict here.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Over the last decade, Smart Specialisation has been the main fulcrum of the European Union’s Innovation programme, better known as Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3).  RIS3 emphasises public-private partnerships, with public funds being used to support private sector led ‘activities’ regarded as having the best opportunities for new innovation and commercial gain. The […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

During these unprecedented times, we wanted to let you know about the support we have in place to help our members and the wider community in publishing their work. Many of us currently work from home and those fewer interactions with the outside world are significantly limiting the opportunities for knowledge exchange and critical debate […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

The RSA 2019 student and early career conference was held in the University of Lincoln, where we were welcomed by Dr Gary Bosworth and his colleagues from the School of Geography and the Lincoln International Business School. They shared some of their work, with a focus on designing and carrying out research for policy impact. […]

Reading time: 28 minutes

Contributors comprise: Professor David Bailey (University of Birmingham); Professor Lisa De Propris (University of Birmingham); Dr Felicia Fai (Bath University); Sally Hardy (CEO, Regional Studies Association); Paul Hildreth (UCL); Professor Ron Martin (University of Cambridge); Professor Philip McCann (University of Sheffield); Professor Raquel Ortega Argilés (University of Birmingham); and Dr Philip Tomlinson (Bath University). We respond […]

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Reading time: 28 minutes

Contributors comprise: Professor David Bailey (University of Birmingham); Professor Lisa De Propris (University of Birmingham); Dr Felicia Fai (Bath University); Sally Hardy (CEO, Regional Studies Association); Paul Hildreth (UCL); Professor Ron Martin (University of Cambridge); Professor Philip McCann (University of Sheffield); Professor Raquel Ortega Argilés (University of Birmingham); and Dr Philip Tomlinson (Bath University). We […]

Brexit Metaphor
Reading time: 4 minutes

Significant increase in number of SMEs concerned about Brexit, especially innovators and exporters This press release was published here. The number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that view Brexit as a major obstacle to success has increased significantly since the referendum, according to research published in the journal Regional Studies by Ross Brown and […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

We are aware that sometimes the system is not cooperating with our free offer code. Please be reassured that we will manually update your records and push your membership through as soon as feasible. If in doubt, please email Alex directly.  Use the code: FREEOFFER Ever thought about joining the RSA but are not sure […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

We’d love to say thank you very much for being part of the Regional Studies Association Community during the past year. Every day of each year we are proud to support you with latest research, funding schemes, networking and publishing opportunities and spaces to grow your research, careers and influence. And 2018 has been no […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Dear RSA friends and colleagues, How time flies when one is the Chair of the Regional Studies Association….. Let me share with you some of our many activities, innovations and achievements in 2018: We have revamped our Members’ Magazine, Regions which is now freely accessible for all to read as an online magazine (e-Zine). Managed […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

RSA Lounge is now available again.  Please email me if you are having any difficulties logging in. Due to planned electrical works, the Member’s Lounge will be unavailable from: Friday 21st December, 11:59 pm (GMT) until Sunday 23rd  December 2018, 10:00 am (GMT). We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Reading time: 1 minutes

We are now inviting applications for the 2019 Annual Conference Special Sessions.  We encourage you to submit and/or participate in a Special Session, as they are are great way to have a focused discussion, giving you the opportunity to meet others who may share your research interests. There are two types of Special Sessions, with both open […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA is pleased to announce the appointment of Ida Musialkowska as the second RSA Ambassador to Poland. Ida is an Associate Professor, Department of European Studies, Poznan University of Economics and Business and an Expert at the European Commission, DG Regio, Research Executive Agency. She will work alongside our existing RSA Ambassador and Chair […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA is delighted to announce that the new Ambassador to Luxembourg is Sabine Dörry. Sabine is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Luxembourg. She is also a Senior Research Fellow and Head of Research Cluster ‘Transformation & Society’ at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

In case you were wondering what regional studies is all about, and what it is that the Regional Studies Association does, we have made a short animation to explain it all… Some of our members have also contributed to our video series on regional studies. Watch the first instalment ‘Regions Uncovered’ Watch the second instalment […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Stefania Fiorentino, Tasos Kitsos and Silvia Rocchetta, students at the first RSA summer college 2018 (#rsasummercollege2018) provide their views and experience of the event. Five days of learning, exchanging ideas and networking at the wonderful environment of the University of Cagliari under the auspices of the Regional Studies Association. Do sign-up for it next year! […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

The RSA has allocated financial resources to support its members and offers a range of funding opportunities to suit different career stages. These opportunities provide members with the chance to apply for financial help to support their research, run networking events, receive awards for excellence and help towards the costs of travel to attend non-RSA events […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

CONFERENCE AND EVENTS OFFICER  The Regional Studies Association (RSA) is a global learned society, membership organisation and network acting as a focal point for academics in the fields of geography, economics, political science and planning and for policymakers and practitioners working in rural and urban research, development and policy. Our methods of working are via […]

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Reading time: 3 minutes

#EURegionsWeek Registration Deadline: 28th September 2018 The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Over 170 working sessions, networking events and […]

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Registration Deadline: 28th September 2018 Come to Brussels from 8 to 11 October to change your perspective and get inspired! Over 170 working sessions, networking events and project visits will be organised in Brussels as part the 16th European Week of Regions and Cities. Under the headline ‘For a strong EU Cohesion Policy beyond 2020’, the European […]

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