Ulrich Graute attended last May the first Integrated Segment of ECOSOC on Sustainable Urbanization and Gordon Dabinett participated last fall at the work of the UN expert group proposing International Guidelines to shape the Sustainable Development of Cities.
Keep up with the latest RSA journal articles and read them on the move. Visit rsa.tandfonline.com on your mobile device and download the updated version of the RSA App.
In 2015 Territory, Politics, Governance enters its third volume and will be published quarterly for the first time. In its first two years TPG has seen:
The Regional Studies Association is pleased to inform you that 4 rounds of applications will be opened in 2015 for its RSA Travel Grant.
Taylor & Francis have created a page which will keep you up to date with the latest news and offers from the Regional Studies Association journals: Regional Studies, Spatial Economic Analysis, Territory, Politics, Governance and Regional Studies, Regional Science.
Seasonal words from Andrew Beer, Chair of the Regional Studies Association.
The Board of Tampere Convention Bureau decided to grant the 'Tampere congress award 2013' to the local organising committee for the RSA 2013 European Conference.
Did you know that our publisher Taylor and Francis has partnership and prepayment agreements for Open Access publishing with a number of UK HEI?
TPG presents a collection of papers concerned with the relationship between territory and class and sector through a focus on the scales and rescaling of interest group representation in the politics of Italy (Lombardy, Compania, Tuscany), Spain (Catalonia, the Basque Country), Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia) and the UK (Scotland, South West England).
Obituary written by Gyula Horvath, which records Sergey S. Artobolevsky's remarkable life. Sergey was the chair of the RSA Russia Division.
The Regional Studies Association has announced the appointment of Dr Lee Pugalis as a new Early Career Editor to the editorial board of the flagship Open Access journal Regional Studies, Regional Science.
This report summarises the findings of a round table with a group of international experts representing local and national governments, academia and the private sector.
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Pedro Amaral, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil as the new Early Career Editor of Spatial Economic Analysis.
The RSA is glad to announce the opening of a new RSA China Division.
The EU Commission has published the 6th Cohesion Report: Promoting development and good governance in EU regions and cities.
Regional Studies, Regional Science, has a section specifically devoted to Early Career Papers which focuses on publishing short articles from students and early career researchers to make their research accessible to a wider audience.
The Regional Studies Association seeks to appoint an Early Career Editor to its journal REGIONAL STUDIES.
The Impact Factor of the Regional Studies journal has risen to 1.756.
It is with regret that the Regional Studies Association announces the death of Professor Sir Peter Hall, a founder member of the Association, a long time Editor in Chief of Regional Studies, and more latterly the inaugural President.
The Regional Studies Association seeks to appoint an Early Career Editor to its journal SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS.
At this year’s AAG Conference in Tampa, the Regional Studies Association hosted lectures by Michael Storper and Jamie Peck. In case you missed them, the AAG Annual Meeting lectures are now available to be viewed online. Simply click on the videos below.
The Regional Studies Association is delighted to announce the appointment of Susan Christopherson as the new Editor in Chief of the Regions and Cities Book Series. Susan takes over this role in April 2014 from Gillian Bristow who is now working as the Deputy Editor of Regional Studies. Susan joins the team of editors which includes Ron Martin, Gernot Grabher, Maryann Feldman and Martin Perry.
Response to the ESRC consultation “Informing the future strategic direction of the Economic and Social Research Council” on behalf of the Regional Studies Association.
The Scottish branch of the Regional Studies Association are keen to highlight a new PhD studentship to begin in October 2014 at the University of St Andrews.