On the behalf of the RSA community we would like to warmly congratulate to the Policy Expo 2017 winner: Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0: Upgrading Regional Capabilities for a Balanced Industrial Development and Growth Through Networks.
On the behalf of the RSA community we would like to warmly congratulate to the Policy Expo 2017 winner: Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0: Upgrading Regional Capabilities for a Balanced Industrial Development and Growth Through Networks.
The Regional Studies Association is happy to announce the appointment of the new RSA Fellows.
Each year, the journal changes its cover image and calls for image suggestions from the RSA community.
The RSA congratulates Sally on her outstanding achievement and recognises her 30 years of achievement and delivery.
We would like to warmly congratulate Professor John Agnew on his election as a Fellow of the British Academy.
In this virtual special issue, we celebrate Doreen Massey’s work.
The RSA welcomes its new Ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Marjan Nikolov.
We are pleased to announce that the registration for the 2017 European Week of Regions and Cities is open (until 27th September 2017).
We are excited to welcome three new RSA Ambassadors to Mexico. They join our existing RSA Ambassador to Mexico, Joaquín García Galván.
The Regional Studies Association invites proposals for forthcoming conferences. Work with us and create memories.
The Regional Studies Association is pleased to announce the opening of RSA Europe.
We are pleased to announce and welcome our new student representative Donna Carmichael and Early Career representative Ryan Gibson to the RSA Board.
We are extremely pleased to announce on some good news about the impact factors on both Regional Studies and Spatial Economic Analysis.
The RSA’s open access journal Regional Studies, Regional Science is going from strength to strength with currently over 65,000 full text downloads and the most downloaded paper having received over 18,000 downloads. The journal is listed in Scopus and rated as an ‘A’ journal in the Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List.
Thank you for being with us in Dublin.
The deadlines for RSA Research Grant Schemes and Awards are approaching. See this post for more details.
We are pleased to submit this response to the Industrial Strategy consultation on behalf of the Association’s Board.
As in previous years, the RSA will have again a strong presence at the AAG with annual lectures for our journals (Regional Studies; Area Development and Policy; and Territory, Governance, Politics), 14 Economic Geography sessions, sessions organised by the RSA Research Network on Finance Geography (held at MIT), several sessions organised by RSA members and an exhibition stand which is part of the Routledge stand (#100). So see you in Boston!
The March issue of Regional Studies is available.
Two exciting opportunities have arisen for an enthusiastic PhD student and an Early Career researcher to join the Regional Studies Association Board.
Regions that voted to leave the European Union (EU) are more likely to feel the detrimental impact on their economic development from Brexit as they have a stronger reliance on EU markets, a new study in Regional Studies finds. Regional Studies is published by Taylor & Francis Group and co-published by the Regional Studies Association.
At the recent AGM of the Irish Section of the Regional Studies Association Justin Doran was elected to the role of Chairperson.
As part of the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), the biggest event world-wide on regional and urban development, the Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy will be held for PhD students and early-career researchers for the fifth time between 8 and 12 October 2017.