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We have several grant deadlines coming up in the next couple of months. Read more to find out about the different opportunities and how to apply.
We have just received the newest set of full text downloads for RSA journal articles.
A statement clarifying the postion of RSA in relation to the current UK USS issue.
The RSA will have again a strong presence at the AAG with annual lectures for our journals, Regional Studies and Area Development and Policy. We will also have eight Economic Geography sessions, several sessions organised by RSA members and an exhibition stand which is part of the Routledge stand. See below for more details of the updated RSA member essions
Applications are being sought from PhD students and early career researchers (defined as being within five years of the date on their PhD certificate or equivalent) undertaking research related to European Cohesion Policy to attend the 16th EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES 2018 University Master Class.
On the 8th March 2018, International Women’s Day, we take part in the global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Two papers recently published in Regional Studies examine the effects that commuting has in communities.
RSA Territory, Politics, Governance provided a further mark of quality by inclusion in the SSCI.
Research by Isaac Arthur examines urban development results from private-sector participation in Accra.
Data visualisation – over social media and ICT firms newly published in Regional Studes, Regional Science.
Dr. Elodie Fabre research compares the engagement opportunities in the regional and devolved legislatures of Spain and the UK.
The deadline for the 2018 Policy expo approaches. The call for applications is out.
New video on YouTube – Maryiam Haroon describes her work in Pakistan and how attending the RSA Winter Conference has helped her extend her network.
Leadership in cities and city regions and combined authorities is a topic which the PAC and RSA have been paying particular attention to in recent years. Consensus building, increasing flexibilities for local government, new forms of finance and increasing resources for delivery of new programmes will all be key topics of this upcoming conference.
We are pleased to be once again working with Carlo Gianelle for the new SMARTER Conference in 2018. We have a new online video here where Carlo discusses his experiences of being involved with Smart Specialisation in 2016.
Daniela Carl interviews Alessandro Rainoldi at the Smart Specialisation Conference, Seville 2016
A World of Flows – Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival
3rd – 6th June 2018, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
RSA Global Conference, China 2018 – Regional Governance, Industrial Restructuring and Sustainable Development
New article in Area Development and Policy: African dreams: locating urban infrastructure in the 2030 sustainable developmental agenda.
Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Assistant Professor of Economic Geography at Utrecht University tell us about the benefits of the RSA Early Career Grant
Thomas Skuzinski, Virginia Tech, USA was one of our 2017 recievers of an RSA Early Career Grant award.
Today, the diverse pressures on universities are creating many tensions and contradictions which are difficult to resolve, with stakeholders having different expectations that often pull in contrary directions. The Association has launched the 2018 policy research initiative with the role of Higher Education Institutions in regional development as one of the themes for this year's policy expo.